Pinguist "Bible"

"We Come Not In Search of Praise, But For Ready Pupils."

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

i think there should also be some potting of meat.

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Proverbs & Psalms

check out "my writings"

i've got some things written there of the "proverbs" & "psalms" variety.

also, if you have any jones lids, i'd appreciate the fortune cookie wisdom dwelling there.

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in need of a picture.

hmm...maybe a goal will be to draw a picture of pingu in the typical crucifixion pose.

just so we can bump up the blasphemy & evilness of this blog....

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Book 3-Levi Stauss--The Commandments

1. Thou shalt covet thy neigbour's ass if it is indeed worth coveting.
2. Thou shalt not have sexual relations with thine relations
3. Thou shalt have an open mind. With a closed mind thou lettest only Dead Fish unto thine heart and with that comes only pain and sorrow (and some frightening moments in the bathroom).
4. Thou shalt make merriment.
5. Thou shalt make relations. (I knoweth that goeth under instruction 4, however Pingu had wanted it to be known of its own right as an instruction. It is of great import, you know.)
6. Thou shalt not worship Dead Fish. He ist the Dark Side.
7. Thou shalt make relations. (This is very important; that beeth why it be repeated.)
8. Thou shalt learneth as much as thou canneth about everything. This shall open thine mind.
9. Thou shalt not worry! Thou shalt make merriment.
10. Sex is good!
11. Thou shalt follow thine own path. Pingu would rather thou not believeth in him than to follow him blindly, and without purpose.
12. Thou shalt not bother thineself too much with "matters of consequence."
13. Contrary to what some other religions sayeth, food dost not need to be completely "clean." In some cases, the 10-second rule dost apply. And when it dost, use it.
14. Partyeth when the occasion is right.
15. Haveth thee lots of good relations.
16. Readeth comic books. Doeth it!

Note: as in any "religion" (or "cult" or whatever you wish to call this), new rules are always added as time goes by. Keep a lookout as you read for new and exciting additions to Levi Strauss!

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i sucked.

wow. um, i'm going to have to go over the stuff i've written before & pick out the few good pieces.

while i could've accepted it a few years ago, i have to admit it's "a little bad".

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..."What the hell did you just do?!" exclaimed a new voice.

A small swift flew over all of their heads before landing on the corpse of the child. "You stupid birds! Doesn't anyone understand satire anymore?!" the little bird shouted at the sky. Before turning to leave again, he bit off her nose & shouted, "IT WAS SATIRE, STUPID!"...

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Pingu's Prayer

Pingu's Prayer

Our Pingu, who art in freezer
delicious be thy name.
Thy desserts come,
thy sex be done
on earth as it is with you.
Give us this day our daily ice cream
and forgive us our fake orgasms
as we forgive those who fake orgasms against us.
And lead us into temptation
and deliver us from conventionalism.
For with you is the sexuality, and the deliciousness and the beauty from now and until death. Amen.

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

be careful what you wish for

Pingu walks a rough path. It's lined with broken bottles from too many sleepless nights. He must cry when shards cut his feet and ooze blood. The road looks like it's paved with diamonds, but Pingu knows better.

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Sunday, September 03, 2006

Random Notes

~Pingu is not a deity, but just one going on a quest. He is our hero.

Dead Fish=The Anti-Pingu

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Comments on Sex...


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Comments on Hell...


~damnation of self (outside rules are meaningless, self-judge)

~"No Exit"

~uptempo singing & dancing? :)

"...--The poor drunkard is crying--He's crying for his mother and father and great brother and great friend, he's crying for help--...He's want to bury his face in his hands and moan for mercy and he knows there is none..."--Big Sur (112) (hell?)

" 'There's a tightening around the head that hurts, there's a terror of the mind that hurts even more, they're so unhappy and especially because they can't explain it to anybody or reach out and be helped though all the hysterical paranoia they are really suffereing more than anyone in the world and I think in the universe in fact."..."--Big Sur (201) (hell?)

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"I'd be crying if I had to clean, too."--Jake

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I'm on now!

Hooray! I'm glad that you did this. I like the template too. Can you activate adminstrator privillages so I can add things to the sidebar?

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that's right, tiff. i thought this'd be a good idea. i will lose paper. and there can be easy scanning for old posts ("notes").

so yeah.

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